Sunday 23 November 2014

Bella Coola - inspired poetry

At the suggestion of a friend (thanks, Scott!), here are some poems that were inspired by Bella Coola, where I lived for around 15 years.

Bear Tracks

Hauntingly beautiful
clouds ease the ache
all the red farms on the roadside
moccasins and thunder
losing myself in the immersion
river slides along over jade-green
slices of self

Barren trees ripped open years before
still standing silently
sopping wet willows
the death of soul
points to you, your death
in my eyes

Bear tracks on the sandbar
of sea and sky
by all the white that separates us

One from another
from the warmth of human contact
intersection point


Avian Things

word is a force
joined by song
taken under the wing
broken by our doubt
in suffering
and heal
but don't fuse over
the joints and tender reeds
that move us

in migration,
noticing the detail of the clouds,
and how they move along the mountain
train of fog above the river
going both ways
thinning in the middle but never breaking
until the moon rises above the fjords-
cracking ice over the puddles
becomes their home
above the powerlines
raking the sky.


of boots on brittle needles
orangish glow – to it all
the bracken
oh the bracken in the lows and highs, hungry species
filling up the empty spaces
takeover of the random
and unworkable
in the barren, cursed land
entropy foils all my greatest plans.

Saturday 22 November 2014

The Hidden Valley started in my head when I was 11 or 12 years old, the same age as the main characters.  I tried but never finished the narrative.  In 2010, my family moved back to Bella Coola, the Coast region neighboring the Chilcotin region, where the story is set.  I thought, if there is ever a time to write this story, it is now.  So I did.

The equine publisher, Lavender and White, has picked it up and we are going ahead with publishing an e-book, beginning in April and it probably will come out at the end of summer or mid-fall, depending on how much editing has to be done.

I am also delighted to add that they have looked at my sketches of the main characters and have given me the go-ahead to design my own cover.

Writing and illustrating my own books has been a dream for a long time - so this is a dream come true!  Now to find the child care...